IMD in Benin

Mentoring for a young microbiologist: Why and how to become a famous microbiologist in a developing country?  

When? 20 September 2023

Where? Idriss Deby Building, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin 

The objective of this workshop is to support young researchers and students in the field of microbiology in addressing the challenges associated with this discipline by providing them with knowledge, skills, experiences, and opportunities. The workshop will include a series of talks on the role of microorganisms in the living world, the challenges in the field of Microbiology, the importance of research and advancements in the field of microbiology, training on tips and tricks for scientific writing and communication in microbiology and mentoring and leadership sessions.

The mentoring activity is designed to provide guidance and support to young students and researchers in the field of microbiology in developing countries. It will also include a panel discussion on the challenges and opportunities related to a successful scientific career in microbiology and microorganism research. The activity will involve young students and researchers in the field of microbiology and experienced mentors, who will share their expertise and knowledge gained through successful careers.

This event will also be an opportunity to share the Microbiology Society's opportunities with young researchers. 

FEMS Microbiology